As EcoServants we believe in the power of collective action, so we like to share the stories of our volunteers who are collectively making a difference in our world. One individual who has exemplified this ethic is none other than our very own Vyas Sasidharan. Vyas has accepted an internship with our organization so, we’d like to take a moment to express our gratitude and celebrate his remarkable contributions to our mission of environmental conservation.

A Passionate Advocate for Sustainability

From the moment Vyas joined our team, it was clear that he shared our deep passion for environmental sustainability. His dedication to the cause, along with his expertise in Analytics and IT-related tasks, has been instrumental in driving our projects forward. Vyas’s work has not only strengthened our capabilities but has also improved our outreach and engagement strategies, making a lasting impact on our ability to raise awareness and inspire change.

Thank you, Vyas, for being an exemplary member of our team and for making a significant difference in the work we do. We wish you every success in your future endeavors, and we look forward to witnessing the positive impact you will undoubtedly create.

With heartfelt appreciation and warm wishes,

-The Ecological Servants Project

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